Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A fresh pair of eyes

Thanks to David for giving me an invitation to join this select group - the expression 'fresh pair of eyes' comes from Steve and I think it is a really useful one when describing our positionality with regard to sites (eg musuems, schools etc.
I realised that that is what researchers are paid to do, which is look at things with a fresh pair of eyes and there is a strong literature on this especially in ethnography (Agar, The Professional Stranger, Agar's idea of making the familiar strange, Geertz's work on the Balinese cockfight, Todorov and his ideas about drawing near and then withdrawing from the field, the stuff on etic (researcher) and emic (researched) perspectives) but I realise that is what artists do too.
Steve thought that maybe I secretly wanted to be an artist which is why I am doing this research project.
He could be right.
But I think Steve is actually a researcher in disguise.
One thing about being in this group is that my positionality is very different - it is not my blog and so I feel, in a way, freer.
That is also interesting, as in my interview with Steve positionality came to the fore very strongly.
THanks for letting me join!


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