Thursday, December 01, 2005

Davids Visit

David came to my house yesterday and I got ehnographed by Dr Kate. My interview was great Kate recorded me and I recorded her recording me. I think my thinking must of moved on yesterday I just need a couple of days to catch up with it. David asked me to produce a proposal - I don't think he wants to marry me so I know I need to get something down - filling in this blog is merely procrastinating but I can pretend it's work. I went to see a friend yesterday who spends half the year in Kenya. He's taken to shooting and eating things in his garden. As a country boy raised on wood pigeons I thought that this was OK but he's now shooting and eating squirrils, He sits in his garden working on the laptop and if he spots anything moving he shoots it skins it and makes a pie. there is something about his assertions that this is normal bahaviour which makes me think about conversations I've had with people about been an artist. People always say "So what do you actually do"


Blogger Kate said...

I don't think it is normal to shoot squirrels.
Mind you it would be easy to do because from where I sit I can see them in my garden and they can't see me.
What do people say when you say you are an artist?

6:24 AM  

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