Sunday, January 22, 2006


in spirit: spider|bugs|insects

Steve, I know what you mean about 'being an artist'. Doing this makes me realise how much time I often spend just glancing sideways at my own practice instead of being fully engaged with it.

The problem of conservation obviously pervades: at Doncaster, and escaping the basement in black bin liners, are thousand of bugs labelled and pinned (I imagine) accurately onto trays on their way to deep freeze de-bugging. An obviously necessary museum priority: to get rid of the bugs eating the collection of bugs.
Understandably, keeping a collection can be a headache: the must saves [those species|objects already [unfortunately or not] accessioned into the collection] v. the must get rid offs [those that are not, those that may or can be stopped -- to save precious space -- on their way in: the not quite right, the not quite filling a gap or the ones squeezing into a spot already taken (makes me think of sibling rivalry!)
Peter, keeper and curator of archaeology, spoke of the object 'doppelganger': the object that mimics and looks almost exactly like, but is upon closer -- or expert -- inspection, is not quite.

I do like the honesty and openness of the 'could', 'perhaps', 'may' ... 'to be confirmed' ... 'perhaps' ... especially, I like the uncertain (and scary) potential of the just emerging 'what do you think?'. As methods of fumigation, these open ended presentations admitting doubt may just go a long way towards alleviating the perceived stuffiness?


Blogger Kate said...

I lve uncertain spaces.
In the sicence museum I was taken beyond the schenes and witnessed a buggy, piles of books and some dust.
The the curator and I popped out from behind a screen.
I like the idea of things that are not quite exhibitis, in liminal spaces.

9:29 AM  
Blogger marianne said...

Me too. Although I generally don't like the idea of uncertainty(!)
But I like the idea os encountering potential exhibits (through mis-apprehension? of what is) by simply turning the corner or popping out from behind a screen.

+ what are you doing behind the guarded walls and screens of the science museum?

2:47 AM  
Blogger marianne said...

meant to say i don't generally like uncertainty (of freelance work schedules f.ex.) but do like the idea! indeed! of things, spaces, you don't quite know what are ..

12:31 PM  

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